“Let the little children come to me . . . ”



Children around the world secure in knowing that God wants them more than anything


Amplifying children’s quiet longing for personal love through an environment that nurtures a heart connection between the child and their family


-A welcoming, interactive museum that takes families on a journey into the personal struggles and vulnerabilities that children face, making them seen by adults and children alike

-Production of creative works that engage audiences around the world, challenging them to take a closer look at the hearts of children in their family and community

-Worldwide engagement through our website and social media platforms with creative written and video content

-Planting additional interactive museums domestically and abroad


We believe that every child has a treasured purpose, identity and value that cannot be taken away by trauma (e.g. abuse, abandonment or neglect). This value begins at conception and has no ending. It is demonstrated by God through the gift of creation, salvation and everlasting life.


“Trauma Grows in the Dark.”

-Frazer Grotberg, co-founder of The Quiet Stream

Isolation is a darkness that conceals trauma and allows it to grow. Child abusers target lonely children. Traffickers hunt for teens who are starving for a sense of family. Drug addictions, self harm and suicide stem from a deep place of loneliness. THE LONELY CHILD suffers from isolation. Isolation opens the door for trauma to happen and keep happening to them. Isolation keeps the trauma hidden so that the effects of trauma grow like a fungus and rots the house of the child’s soul and works to destroy their life.

Because we know the devastating effects of trauma in isolation, The Quiet Stream takes the conversation about childhood trauma and vulnerability and intertwines it with the concept of LISTENING. Listening is an act of pursuit that draws a lonely child out of the darkness of isolation and into the light of being known.

If understanding the effects of listening on the lives of lonely children were enough, this message would be a simple one. But it’s not. There is a huge OBSTACLE preventing us from actually listening to the lives of children. This obstacle is the worldly system of BUSYNESS that rules the world and the majority of today’s church culture. The truth is, we are called to serve the Lord through love rather than busyness. Busyness actually distracts us from loving— especially loving children. When it comes down to it we are all too tired from being too busy to pursue the hearts of kids. This is a devastating problem!

Thank God there is a way to overcome the obstacle of busyness by EMBRACING A LISTENING HEART. This is a long-term commitment of the heart to sacrifice our time and attention on behalf of the vulnerable children around us. This is exactly what Jesus was doing when he told his disciples, “Let the little children come to me.” He set aside his very busy schedule for them! The least of us. We must dedicate to make this practice a way of life. We cannot do this without the Holy Spirit. With Jesus living inside of us, he can help us embrace his listening heart that wants lonely children more than the enemy does!

Our Story

The Quiet Stream is a vision based on the joint calling of Frazer and Megan Grotberg. When Frazer and Megan met, they both found very quickly that God had instilled deep convictions for the lost and hurting. They were seemingly two separate issues, but God knew better!

Frazer’s heart has always beat with the song that the abused in this world were hidden in plain sight, and they needed to be seen and protected. Megan has always had a deep love for children of all ages, and had an acute awareness of their unique personality and needs. Together, they both knew that children around the world must be seen and heard, and that if they are not the enemy will use the isolation of trauma to attack their identity, purpose and worth. 

Megan and Frazer both experienced isolation and trauma when they were little, and understand the life-long impact of being sought out and truly wanted. They now work as missionaries to share this impact with children around the world.

The idea for a welcoming, interactive museum started when Frazer sat with a group of pastors listening to the leader of a local women’s shelter pleading with the churches to reach out to young women before they get abused. She shared that many older women would come to her shelter still needing healing from abuse that happened when they were young girls. Frazer and Megan knew that all children need a safe place to experience how much they are valued by God.

Frazer uses his gift for art and storytelling through interactive displays and creative productions, and Megan blesses those who come to her space with hospitality and handcrafted goods. Together they work to make their ministry, The Quiet Stream, a place where children can grow secure in knowing that God wants them more than anything.

Child Safety Disclaimer

The Quiet Stream observes the following safety precautions and implores everyone to do the same for the protection of children:

-Never be alone with children that are not your own

-Do not touch children that are not your own (If you need to move a child in an emergency, move them gently and put them down as soon as possible, though only move them as a last resort, i.e. if guardian of child is unable to. If you would like to lay hands on the child and pray, first get permission from the child and their guardian and the child’s guardian must be present. Also, limit the laying on of hands to the top of the head, the upper arm, hand/s or shoulder of the child.)

-Do not photograph children that are not your own without permission of child and child’s guardian. (Photography that is consented to by guardian or child must only be per request of the guardian and child or in a scheduled photoshoot for advertising purposes in which the individual and child understands in advance that the photograph is for advertising purposes)

-Do not verbally assault or demean children in any way

-Do not minister to children who are not your own without permission of guardian and without the child’s guardian physically present.